
"Knowledge makes everything simpler".
Yeah, yeah...I have read this article many times and still it retains its kink. Also explains our natural affinity towards Apple's products and for that matter anything simple.

How movies, for that matter books are helpful..

Besides this, "The Shawshank Redemption" is an awesome movie.

Amateur Etymologist

We were in the final year of Engineering and had joined a short term course for GRE. That was when our vocabulary blossomed exponentially, thanks to books like Norman Lewis and to a small extent the course itself. My close friend, an amazing character called Mr. Vivek used to be a part of the gang that attended the classes and he used to come with me in my bike. The classes were in the noon and the hot Chennai sun had no pity on us. One day I hadn't parked my bike in the shade and after the classes, when Vivek climbed and sat on it, he screamed - "PYROPYGIAN".

Lessons from Yahoo Messenger

iykerworld: hello
shreyas: hi..
iykerworld: how are u doing
iykerworld: i am paul by name
iykerworld: and u
shreyas: doing good and my name is shreyas
iykerworld: ok
iykerworld: so where are u from
shreyas: am from India
shreyas: wat abt u?
iykerworld: from nigeria
iykerworld: i am anetwork marketer
iykerworld: and u
shreyas: i'm an MBA student
iykerworld: waoo that is good
iykerworld: do u know about network marketing
shreyas: is it some kind of viral marketing or something..
shreyas: haven't heard abt it,,yet
shreyas: cud u elaborate?
iykerworld: well that is what the world is going into
iykerworld: and many are making money throught network marketing
shreyas: yeah now i can guess wat it is about it is like u go on growing a chain of network
shreyas: and the more people join ur network, the more you are rewarded
shreyas: guess it should be something like that
iykerworld: yes
iykerworld: but however not only that
iykerworld: it is also about heath
iykerworld: ur heath
shreyas: heath?? wats that?
iykerworld: which is the most important thing in ones life
iykerworld: sorry
iykerworld: health
shreyas: are u meaning health
shreyas: oh ok
iykerworld: yes
shreyas: wats the connection??
iykerworld: ok
iykerworld: the product is for health and for using it and let people know about it
iykerworld: the company pay u for that
iykerworld: do u have ear phone
iykerworld: so that we can talk
shreyas: well no...sorry bt that
shreyas: dun hav one
iykerworld: ok
iykerworld: do u get my point now
shreyas: yeah yeah i get that...
iykerworld: so if u are intersted to network
iykerworld: i will give u the site
iykerworld: u will check if the company is in ur country
iykerworld: /*Now don't try to visit the site*/
shreyas: you are doing this job quite nicely []
iykerworld: thanks
iykerworld: u can also check my sponser website from USA
shreyas: sure thing..
iykerworld: check it and let me know ok
iykerworld: if u are interested
iykerworld: my sponser can call u on phone
shreyas: k sure...thanx
shreyas: gotta go now...
shreyas: bye
iykerworld: ok
iykerworld: so that mean u are not interested right

All this, while I wanted to pass time in Business Chat Room section of Y Msgr during vacation.


What’s your favourite letter? Probably no one would have asked you such a question. Even I didn’t think of it until a week back. But somehow this crept up in my mind and pondering over that question for a while, I focused my thoughts on the letter ‘M’. On the first sight it might not look that appealing but some interesting facts may make one’s head turn around.

There are words that come into a language from others like Latin / Greek making generous contributions to English. But some seemingly unrelated words when scrutinized a bit, reveal mysteries. For instance in French, death is “mort”. In Hindi, it’s ‘mar’ and in Tamil ‘maranam’. Even ignoring the connection between Hindi and Tamil, the French/Spanish(morte) and Hindi/Tamil share the sound “mar/mor”. Similarly Mother/Ma/Amma/Me’re share consonant M. Life starts in the latter and ends in the former word discussed and Ma seems to pervade in both. Also consider Man/Manidhan – they represent the same entity - you get the idea.

‘Ma’ is also important in Indian classical music. This note divides the 72 melakartha ragas into two equal halves of 36. The first 36 with “shudha madhyamam” M1 and the next 36 with “prati madhyamam” M2. Rotate the letter M in all four directions you get something meaningful – M – normal letter; Rotate 90 degrees in the clockwise direction, you get 3. Another 90 degrees gives W and another 90 gives ∑, the summation symbol. M (neglecting W which is a 180 shift of M) is the only letter that gives the maximum notations for rotations.

M is also the starting letter of words like Majestic, Monumental, Mega, Million, Multi, Mountain, Monarch, Michael Schumacher, Myriad, Mighty, Matador which all signify domination and grandness.

So, how do you like ‘M’?

Rain rain

Snapshots from hostel during Mumbai rains

RSS and stuff

Here is an excellent video about RSS/Feeds and readers.

However, while adding a subscription in Google Reader, it is not mandatory to give the URL of the RSS/feed, but its enough to give the URL of the main site. For ex. you can give while adding subscription in Google Reader instead of

RSS feeds are actually XML files in a standard format, so readers basically incorporate an XML parser and pull out the feeds.

Treat your ears

Have you ever wanted to listen to famous kirthanais of Tyagaraja rendered by stalwarts like Madurai Mani Iyer, Maharajapuram Santhanam, Mandolin Srinivas etc.?

How I did something (useful) in VB in half an hour

It all started when I wanted to calculate some statistical measures like variance/std deviation automatically in Excel. I was planning to use the Analysis Toolpak in Excel. It's available in Tools -> Add-ins -> Select Analysis Toolpak -> Click Ok. Unfortunately, I found that neither was it installed on my system nor was it a free legal download (The addin was a file named proplus.msi). So I thought I might write some custom functions for these myself.
After some Googling, I had some idea to begin with.

To start with, go to Tools -> Macro -> Visual Basic Editor (Shortcut Alt+F11).
In VB editor go to Insert -> New Module (Alt+I+M)
Now I wanted to write a function. More Googling resulted in the basic syntax for writing methods. I wanted one thing in particular, for calculation of variance, a column of data had to be given as the input. What I was looking for was something similar to an ArrayList in java. Some more search and I found that I was supposed to use the data type Variant for this.
One observation was that Variant is somewhat similar to Object in java i.e. anything is passable as a Variant. And another was that, variants can be used directly without casting.

Take a look at the code I came up with:

Function variance(a As Variant) As Double
Dim answer As Double
Dim avg As Double
Dim sum As Double
Dim obj As Variant
Dim count As Integer
count = 0
sum = 0
avg = WorksheetFunction.Average(a)

For Each obj In a
sum = sum + ((obj - avg) ^ 2)
count = count + 1
answer = sum / count
variance = answer
End Function

After saving this, I was able to use the method variance in the workbook as just another function like CONCATENATE or AVERAGE.

More lessons from this exercise are :
1) Standard Excel functions can be accessed using WorksheetFunction.methodName
2) How to traverse a list using for-next loops

The best way is to use functions already available in Excel. I did this because I wanted to learn how to write VB macros/custom functions in Excel and to write a simple VB function without any error.

The art of going slow

Just thought of recording my experiment with slowness. It all started with an email forward which was talking about the slow movement taking on silently in Europe starting with the concept of Slow Food, which you might have guessed as opposed to fast food. Anyway, as the name suggests the movement is all about going slow. That's it. And in every possible task - do it consciously. Sounds wonderful doesn't it - especially for all those lazy readers. Actually it is.

The prime rationale behind this is to go easy on the anxiety and do things better. Of course, we in fact practise this unconsciously- rather forced to practise it. Imagine you are in caught in a traffic at T.Nagar or wherever, possibly sweating in a hot afternoon and thousands of horns honking at you to move forward when you have just enough space to allow a current of air between you and the vehicle ahead. That is one point where your adrenaline rushes and the stress level goes to an all time high isn't it. Well the good news is that you need not feel such sensations anymore. Consciously shift your thinking about our topic - yes slowness. After all you are supposed to be slow. So, the traffic is somehow helping you. Take a deep breath, and share the philosophy with the honker. Sometimes you'll get showered with pleasant acknowledgements especially from auto drivers. Take them as your motivators and strive forward with your goal. You'll receive enlightenment. Or you can choose to retort slowly- " Youuu..areeee...aaaa... reeeeeal.....bosss......stud". The other party will never know you are praising or scolding. It really saves you from getting a bloody nose.

Further in some countries embracing this principle, the per-week work hours are restricted to 28.8. But the productivity level in these places are comparatively high.(It's interesting to compare this with a typical software engineer's work hours. Maybe its more meaningful to compare with 3 or 4 of them taken together.) That basically is because, the slower you are, the more you are able to see and avoid mistakes and hence lesser the defects and higher the productivity. It's easy on the blood pressure too. Further tea is considered as the drink of the slow. But coffee beats tea any day easily.

What happened to my experiment? It was a huge success. I woke up slowly, ate slowly, watched a slow going movie, again ate slowly and crept into the bed slowly. What about work????? It was a Sunday!

You may be interested in visiting the official slow site :

Rational Software Architect - A mini review

J2EE development is going strong and it will certainly in the future. In most places. So, no wonder products aimed at easing stuff up for developers is destined to thrive. So is RSA - thinking what makes RSA tick(read RSA 6 or 7)..the following points spring up in that order:
1. All under one roof - do every deliverable with RSA.
2. Don't sweat it out - It's fairly simple to learn and get acquainted with.
3. Performance - Will talk about this soon.

Now with RSA, you can do/deliver most of your J2EE artifacts and it provides a very good usable IDE to do so. One of the noteworthy things is UML modelling/design. We all know how important is design in any project and a good design cuts cost/rework and adds to the bottom line and so on. But design seldom is stable and it evolves/changes during development. So syncing up the developed code and design is always a challenge and doing it well is very useful for everyone. RSA accommodates this with alacrity.Now the advantage here is that, you can have the design model and development code in the same workspace and it allows for easy referring to the design during development and vice versa. Forward engineering and reverse engineering have never been so easy. Applying design patterns can also be done but I haven't tried it out myself.

As its built on Eclipse, development ease is also taken care of. Further it supports And to use RSA, the tutorials are fairly good and the time to learn it will be minimal, provided the user knows what he wants.In any system, the wait time experienced promotes a feeling of added complexity. And this factor is less in RSA. Since there is no need of a separate designing software, it will be easy on the system resources as most of good UML design softwares tend to eat up more resources.

Ofcourse, there's a lot more in RSA than what's mentioned here which haven't been discussed like JSF/Junits/Change management linking/Code review tools/Plugins etc. Overall the experience with RSA for J2EE development is good.