Sense through statistics

I normally blog or tweet when:

a. I have free time
b. I find something really interesting

Having said that, I recently analyzed my tweet frequency( and blog frequency.

Now, if you take a look at my tweet statistics, they peak on the months of October and November.And take a look at my blog posts. In the year 2008, September + October has seen 5 out of 14 posts. The average posts per month in 2008 was around 1.2.

From Sep 8, 2008 to November 8, 2008, I was doing my autumn internship as a part of curriculum. And it was this period that witnessed maximum tweets and blog posts which conveys I had free time and I found something really interesting. When I go back and see the subject of the tweets (and blogs), it's hardly connected to what I was working on. This means, I found something really interesting either in addition to my work or other than work.

In the essay, Good and Bad procrastination, Paul Graham argues
"There are three variants of procrastination, depending on what you do instead of working on something: you could work on (a) nothing, (b) something less important, or(c) something more important. That last type, I'd argue, is good procrastination."

As per this point, it becomes fairly clear that I wasn't tweeting and blogging in addition to my work because I would have ideally procrastinated these two activities. So it all falls into place. I didn't try to exit the subjectivity band and was totally falling in the 'in between ' region. And I even know why - I was not loving what I was doing.